Monday, March 22, 2010

A Parent-Child Reading Challenge

Did you see this fabulous article in the New York Times this weekend?

Many parents read with their children on a daily basis but I particularly enjoyed the deliberateness of "The Streak" and how important it became to both parent and child.

Will you start "The Streak" with your child(ren)?

What's New in the Library Media Center?

We've been busy with books and technology alike! Stage I children enjoyed a wonderful celebration of Dr. Seuss' 106th birthday orchestrated by Colleen; I loved the opporunity to share a few of my favorite Seuss stories with the children with my friends, the Lorax and the Cat in the Hat! In Stage II, we just finished exploring Aesop's fables including Jerry Pinkney's 2010 Caldecott Medal winner, The Lion and the Mouse, a wordless book with remarkable illustrations. Children in Stages III and IV have been mesmerized by Jon Sciezka's The Exquisite Corpse Adventure, a wacky tale told by a variety of children's authors that can be found online at With much suspense, we're reading our way through the adventure that's released one chapter every two weeks.

In other news, children all over the Lower School have started podcasting! Students in Stages I through IV are using this digital recording technology to listen to themselves read aloud, record their own pieces of creative writing, and report their research findings and new knowledge. Wondering how you can listen to what the Roeper Podcasters have been up to? Check out (link to the right) and subscribe to the RoeperLS Podcasting RSS feed.